"We know your organization goes above and beyond the call of duty. You represent all that is good, wholesome, ethical and moral. You can be assured that your efforts are greatly appreciated not only by us, but by members of this community. We look forward to seeing the continued progress you will make in the near future."
"You are all amazing! My words don’t do justice to the feeling of help you provided for this single mother. Not just help, but the speed of which your organization is able to provide assistance. Support the Troops I hope understands the impact you are having on the military community in MN. My sincerest thanks!"
" Please accept this thank you a token of my appreciation for your generous assistance with helping me during my great time of need. I am so grateful."
" Thank you for assisting me in my time of financial hardship. I am beyond grateful for your assistance"
" On behalf of myself and my family, we want to say a very big thank you to Support the Troops charity organization for accepting to assist my household in the taking care of the overdue utility bills. We are very grateful that as I write this letter, the payments have been fulfilled.
My family is very appreciative of this gesture, and we pray that God will meet every member of the organization at their respective point of need."
" I have been fortunate to have Support the Troops MN as a resource. Many Pine County veterans have benefitted from this great organization. Picture if you will – it is 4:15 on a Friday afternoon and a vet walks into my office. He was just kicked out of a house that he was staying at. He had nowhere to go. I call Support the Troops MN and by 5 pm the vet has a hotel room until Monday when he can come into the office. That vet had a bed to sleep in for the weekend thanks to the efforts of this organization. The vet came and saw me on Monday, and we started the process of finding him more permanent housing. I have coordinated car repairs, housing repairs, eviction notices from lack of payment, electrical shut off notices, employment opportunities as well as numerous other needs for veterans in Pine County. I have many other stories like these – as I am sure other CVSO’s in Minnesota have. I am grateful to Support the Troops MN."
"We want to say thank you for all that you have done to support the 434 SMC in providing financial support to our soldiers who are struggling. We are grateful for your time and assistance in taking care of our soldiers in need. Thank you!"
"Thank you so much for all you guys do. I really appreciate you guys for helping me pay my overdue rent. Your hard work and efforts do not go unnoticed! I am very thankful."
" We want to thank you for helping us pay our Jan and Feb rent on our home. It was great to know that you are there to support the Vets when they need you the most. Thank you again."
" I received assistance from your organization during a hardship in my life recently and I wanted to write and express my gratitude for your organization and for the important work that you do for veterans and their families. This winter and last few months have been very difficult for me as I grieve the the loss of my husband. He was very proud of his service, of course I am too. The assistance from your organization had a meaningful impact on my life and my husband."
" We would like to extend our appreciation to you for your donation of clothing, shoes, belts, gloves and readying glasses. It is through the efforts of community partners like you that allow us to continue the quality care and services that we seek to provide for our deserving Veterans. Thank you for your continued support and advocacy."
" You have helped our family immensely. One of our dear friends died after a battle with PTSD. Before she died, she asked us to care for her 3 children. With the help of Support the Troops we were able to add an egress window to our home and passed our safety inspection required by the court (so the children could move into the home). The most recent gift allowed us to outfit the orphaned children with coats, hats, mittens, boots and other needed clothing. The children haven't had a holiday celebration since their father died 5 years ago (also a veteran). This Thanksgiving and Christmas we are looking forward to showing them the true meaning of the holiday spirit. We are so thankful for all you have done for our family. We can't express in words how thankful we are. You have made a difference in our family, in the lives of these three orphaned children. For that we are forever grateful for you."